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Dental Insurance – Newport, RI

We Make Navigating Your Dental Insurance Plan Easier

Dental insurance can be a struggle to navigate, especially when it comes to learning the jargon and specifics of your plan. Fortunately, you have a team of professionals that you can rely on at Newport Dental Associates who are well-versed in maximizing benefits and helping patients understand the details of their plans. Below, we’ve outlined some basics to get you started. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

How Does Dental Insurance Work?

Dental insurance forms on tablet computer

In order to get dental insurance coverage, you’ll need to pay a yearly or monthly premium. Before your benefits kick-in and begin covering treatments, you’ll be responsible for paying a set amount of money out-of-pocket. This is determined individually by the insurance company and is called the deductible. Every year, you’ll also have a capped-off amount that your dental insurance plan will pay for dental treatments, which is called the maximum. On January 1st of each year, your plan will renew, and your deductible and maximum will reset.

What Does Your Dental Insurance Plan Cover?

Hands holding animated tooth under an umbrella

Most dental insurance policies operate based on a 100-80-50 structure. What this means is that they’ll typically cover 100 percent of the cost of preventive care, like checkups and cleanings, 80 percent of the cost of common treatments, like cavity fillings, and 50 percent of the cost of more serious procedures, like tooth extractions and root canal therapy. Due to this structure, the best way to save money and minimize out-of-pocket expenses is to regularly visit your dentist nearby to prevent serious oral issues from developing.

Our In-Network PPO Dental Insurance Providers

Person using calculator to determine dental insurance coverage

At Newport Dental Associates, we’re proud to make dental care more affordable and accessible by accepting dental insurance. We’re happy to file claims on your behalf to help maximize your benefits and make sure that your investment doesn’t go to waste. We’re also an in-network provider with two different major plans that are listed below. This means that we have negotiated lower fees and discounted rates that we get to pass on to our patients.