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A Guide to Flossing for Your New Year’s Resolution

December 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — newportdent @ 2:10 pm
Woman in white shirt flossing her teeth

Most people already brush their teeth regularly, but according to some studies, only about 30% of Americans floss daily. If you want to protect your smile from gum disease and other oral health issues, you want to start flossing as soon as possible, and the New Year is an excellent time to start. To help you stick to your New Year’s resolution of making flossing a daily habit, the following post offers 4 handy tips.

1. Think About Why You Don’t Already Floss

What is currently keeping you from flossing as much as you should? Figuring out the answer to this question can help you identify potential obstacles to your resolution. For example, you may have trouble using traditional dental floss, in which case you might consider getting a floss holder or disposable flossers that make the task easier.

2. Be Realistic About Your Expectations

It takes time to pick up a new habit. If you currently don’t floss at all, you don’t have to push yourself to immediately start flossing daily. Instead, begin small by flossing on two specific days every week. Once you’ve gotten used to that, you can work your way up to three days a week. Continue the process until you reach the point where flossing is an everyday part of your oral hygiene routine.

3. Take the Time to Remember the Risks of Not Flossing

Remembering the reason why you’re flossing in the first place can be a great motivator. If you don’t floss, the spaces between your teeth will go uncleaned, which can significantly raise your risk for gum disease. Not only can untreated gum disease lead to tooth loss, but it is also linked to heart disease and other potentially life-threatening conditions. Flossing is essential if you want to protect your smile as well as the rest of your body.

4. Don’t Be Surprised if You’re Bleeding at First

The first few times you floss, you might notice some bleeding. This is due to bacteria irritating and inflaming the gum tissue between your teeth. While the sight of blood can be alarming, it’s also nothing to worry about as long as it stops quickly. Once you make flossing a regular habit, you shouldn’t have to worry about bleeding. (That said, if the bleeding persists, it might be a sign of gum disease, in which case you should call your dentist immediately.)

By keeping the above tips in mind, you’ll eventually reach the point where you can floss every day without thinking about it, which will go a long way toward helping you keep your grin in good shape. You can look forward to facing the rest of the new year with a beautiful, healthy smile.

About the Author

Dr. Nicholas Baldelli earned his DMD at the Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine in 2013. He is a proud member of the American Dental Association, the Rhode Island Dental Association, and the Omicron Kappa Upsilon Honor Society. At Newport Dental Associates, he is proud to offer a comprehensive menu of dental services from preventive care to gum disease therapy. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Baldelli for the new year, visit his website or call (401) 847-7662.

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